Bankhead Orthodontic Specialists Review

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May 15, 2023 | Posted by E.R.

I don’t even have words to say about the orthodontist specialist! They are the most amazing people I have ever met! I’m so glad I’m in Bankhead because if I wasn’t I would be very very upset! They are the sweetest people ever! They help you with everything to make your teeth better than ever! I’m so excited for the years I have with these people! I can’t wait to see how much they changed my smile than it was before! I’m so proud for how hard they work and how much time they live to work on peoples teeth! They are the most patient people I have ever meant! I’m so glad that I have these people to show me how and what to do with my teeth! If I did t have them to fix my teeth my smile would not look how it has been! I’m so excited to get them off and see how much effort they put in my teeth! I can’t wait to be done but at the same time I’m going to miss each and every specialist! I love them with all my heart and I can’t wait to make more memories in those chairs at whatever location I go to! They are very kind, sweet, caring, not mean, patient, loving, and much more! Thanks for all the great thing you all do! I just don’t have any words! They have been the most great people I know! I know I keep saying that but I’m being very truthful! My whole family has went there and I’m glad we haven’t switched to a different orthodontist! Because if we did I would be super super mad and upset! I’m like how they do these points because it shows how much progress you are making threw these years! I just don’t have any words to say to these amazing people! Like if you need a appointment cancelled or like you need one because something broke ire something fell if they will always be there for you! I have had plenty problems with my braces and they have always made some kind of arrangements through other peoples appointments and they are just so kind! I love them with all my heart and I’m so blessed I can go to a orthodontist like Bankhead! Thanks so much!